The Films


Thursday, September 9, 2010

#34. Alligator (1980)

DVD Synopsis: Twelve years ago, two incidents occurred that bore no similarity until now. The Kendal family decided their pet baby alligator was a nuisance and flushed him down the toilet. At the same time, Slade Laboratories was conducting secret hormonal experiments with dogs and the dead dogs were disposed of in the city sewer. As the baby alligator fed on the dead dogs, its body chemistry took on grotesque mutations. When several brutal murders are discovered, David Madison (Robert Forster) is put on the case. But this is no human psychopath - it is a ravaging animal-turned-monster bent on destroying everything in its wake.

Who’d have thought that flushing a baby alligator down the toilet could lead to such mayhem…and such fun? 

Robert Forster, Michael Gazzo and Henry Silva lead a pretty solid cast, and what Alligator lacks in special effects wizardry (in some scenes, I swear it looks as if the filmmakers took a page from 1950’s Sci-Fi and shot an iguana in makeup walking across a model of a New York Street), it makes up for in fast-paced action. A low-budget horror movie done right, Alligator is a great time.



  1. Heck yeah. I saw this on TV when I was in first grade. I remember being so excited for it... but don't remember the actual movie itself.

  2. Andrew! How are you? It's been a long time. I hope everything is good.
    Alligator was definitely a fun movie, though it doesn't surprise me that you don't remember it. It's not the type of movie that 'stays with you'. Even the violent scenes, such as the various alligator attacks, fade from memory after a while. But it's a good time while you're watching it.

  3. I saw this in the theater when I was younger and was so excited when it finally came out on DVD! It really is a fun movie to watch.

  4. @G. Edwin: Thanks so much for stopping by, and for the comment.

    ALLIGATOR is a more recent find for me than it was for you (I would have loved to see this when it was 1st released), but like you, I had a lot of fun watching it.

    BTW: I stopped by your site, and was very impressed with your artwork. Really excellent!

  5. Hello, Just heard of your podcast on the Saturday B-Movie Reel Podcast ep #44 for Vipers.

    Alligator is one of my favorite creature features. I just commented regarding the Saturday B-Movie Reel ep covering Piranha that while Jaws ('75) kept us out of the ocean and Piranha ('78) kept us out of the rivers and lakes, Alligator ('80) kept us out of the sewers. Always a good safety tip!

    I remember seeing this on TV in the mid-80s and have seen at least 3 or 4 times since.

    I'll be checking out more of you blog as I am also a movie buff...

  6. David: Glad you found me, and thanks for listening! I really enjoyed being a guest on Saturday B-Movie Reel Podcast and I look forward to appearing again.

    ALLIGATOR is a crazy, fun movie, one I can watch over and over again. Sure, it's goofy at times, but I still love it.

    Thanks for checking out the blog, and for the comment.

  7. This has to be the greatest alligator movie ever. Lake Placid did a fine job, but this is where it's at.

  8. Thanks for the review! Adding this to my weekend list.

    Does anyone know what alligator beastly freak movie had the gator tearing up a an outdoor wedding? I'd love to experience that again.
